How To Survive The Holidays When You’re Divorced With Kids
Holidays can be especially hard for children and parents when you’re divorced. It’s important to keep your spirits up and truly cherish the time you get to spend with family and friends.
Here a few tips to help make the Holidays more comfortable for you and your family:
Don’t argue or discuss holiday parenting time in front of your child. It’s irrelevant for them to know what those arrangements are and will cause stress, sadness, and guilt.
You don’t like the arrangement. After the first year or several, you realize you don’t like the arrangement in place. If talking to your ex-partner is not an option, talk to your lawyer and see what options are available to you to make changes legally.
Compassion. We all want the same things, to be surrounded by our loved ones throughout the Holidays. It is not selfish of you to want to be with your child. However, you must be realistic and strong for your child as it is a magical time for them! If it’s not your turn to spend the holidays with your child, hang out with friends or take yourself out to dinner and a movie if you want to be alone. Do something for yourself and be grateful for the time alone!
The Gendelman Law Group team wishes everyone a happy holiday season!